Financial Quarterbacking

A key distinction of our firm is the way we work with other professionals, including (and especially) yours, along with other subject matter experts, to build and execute the best possible strategies aligned with your unique situation and objectives.

Financial Quarterbacking

We do everything in our power to break down the walls and silos between the professionals you count on and those needed to execute the necessary strategies. As the financial quarterback of your team, we will work congruently with and lead the entire team to ensure everyone is working toward the same end zone: growing and protecting your assets. Examples of other professionals and subject matter experts include: CPAs, attorneys, real estate brokers, lenders, and tax-planning experts with niche focuses, just to name a few.

Customized Client Portal

We organize your entire financial world into one picture, your client portal. You'll use your personally selected username and password to log in and see everything you have in one place, simple and organized. Insurance policies, investment and retirement accounts, pension(s), Social Security, bank accounts, you name it, all in one place and all in real time via live connections. Our clients tell us that this service alone was worth the price of admission and gave them a very liberating experience from feeling like their "stuff" was spread out all over the place to seeing it all in an organized and concise manner.

Collaborative Approach

Our tax strategies are designed to complement the service you receive from your tax professionals. Since we often recommend less-known strategies, we often facilitate dialog between our clients and the other professionals who will play an active role in implementing and managing the financial plan.

Concierge-Level Service

We encourage our clients to think of us as the first phone call to make when navigating any major financial decision, including needs that extend beyond the scope of traditional financial planning. Our role is to make your financial life simpler and easier, and to serve as a central point of contact.

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